March 21, 2022: We, the Tamil Americans, welcome the decision by the Biden Administration to formally recognize the atrocities committed against Rohingya people by Myanmar’s military government as genocide.
Tamil Americans have also been urging the Biden Administration to recognize 2009 Mullivaikkal Massacre of Tamils as a genocide. UN’s internal investigations found credible evidence of crimes committed during the war. Tamils in Sri Lanka and Diaspora have given overwhelming evidence to UN agencies and many other internatioanl human rights agencies to prove that what happened to Tamils is Genocide.
Repeated Resolutions by the UNHRC haven’t produced any tangible results. Sri Lanka formally withdrew from its previously co-sponsored UNHRC Resolutions, where it had agreed to set up a judicial process consisting of international judges, defense lawyers, and prosecutors. The Tamil Americans have been repeatedly warning against the soft approach by the UN against Sri Lanka as they had a long history of deception and have been calling for the referral to the International Criminal Court.
In U.S Congress a resolution H.Res 413 has been introduced requesting the Biden administration to support an independent international investigation. Tamil Americans and Tamils around the world have been waiting for justice since 2009 and are looking up to America to deliver justice. We hope that President Biden will help Tamils in their search for Justice and Accountability.